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30-Day Reading Challenge
Module 1 - Introduction - Week 1
Day 1 - A Paradigm Shift (3:21)
Day 2 - Nuclear Accountability
Day 3 - Habits
Day 4 - The Habit Loop
Day 5 - A Keystone Habit - Why is it important?
Day 6 - Reading as a Keystone Habit
Day 7 - The Flow State and Reading
Module 2 - Reading Tactics - Week 2
Day 8 - Active vs. Passive Reading
Day 9 - Elementary Reading
Day 10 - Inspectional Reading
Day 11 - Analytical Reading
Day 12 - Work Expands with Time
Day 13 - Guide to Your Long Term Memory
Day 14 - Reading Speeds
Module 3 - Knowledge Application - Week 3
Day 15 - Reading for Innovation
Day 16 - Working memory - Why reading is important?
Day 17 - A Writers secret success - Filing System
Day 18 - The Science of sharing knowledge on memory
Day 19 - Public speaking - Why reading is important?
Day 20 - Writing - The companion to reading
Day 21 - References - Tools for success
Module 4 - Reflection - Week 4
Day 22 - Formulate conclusions
Day 23 - Reading and confidence
Day 24 - Reading and grit
Day 25 - The reciprocal art of reading
Day 26 - A Growth Mindset to Reading
Day 27 - Reading and neural connections
Day 28 - Forgetting - Ways to mitigate it
Day 29 - Compound effect on your mind
Day 30 - Reflection
Day 8 - Active vs. Passive Reading
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